What is HCN?
Vision Statement
Church Directory
Gospel Centre
Harvest Centre
ILC Wolverhampton
Pioneer Church
Friends of HCN.
Q&A with the G.O.
News and Events

Harvest Church in South Croydon is a church where ‘family’ is valued. The church is led by a leadership of six and pastored by its founders, Ronnie and Pam Campbell. We meet together in a local primary school for Sunday morning Family Worship and at the Harvest Centre for most of our other programmed events. 

Pastors Ronnie and Pam Cambell

Mid-week we meet in Cell Groups in nine locations around Croydon. Two of these Cells are designed especially for teenagers.

We run a variety of community facing programmes including:

Little Lions, a toddler group,
CAP Money Courses money management and effective finance  budgetting
Identity an exploration into Christianity,
Link:D, an interactive games console evening for youth

Details of these and other activities are all contained on our website.

Website : www.harvestcroydon.org

Harvest also hosts the Harvest Education and Learning Project, which offers evening classes in Biblical and Practical Theology approved by the Open College Network.

Our Harvest Year team project provides a residential opportunity for young people to take a year out and train in practical theology linked to youth and community work.

Regina Coeli Primary School
173 Pampisford Road
South Croydon CR2 6DF

The Harvest Centre
72 Chelsham Road
South Croydon CR2 6HY

Website www.harvestcroydon.org